
Hair Loss in Teens: Causes & Factors | BeautyBorn Medspa

Hair Loss in Teens: Causes & Factors | BeautyBorn Medspa


As a teenager, the best thing in the world is feeling confident and comfortable with who you are. But if you’re experiencing hair loss as a teen, that cannot be easy to achieve. Unfortunately, hair loss isn’t limited to just adults; it also affects teens and can have physical and emotional implications for them. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry—we’re here to provide the information you need about the potential causes of hair loss for teens, along with some tips that can help in healthy hair growth. So take some time from your busy schedule today: we’ll help you understand more about hair fall in teens, so you can make an informed decision towards achieving healthy-looking locks again!

Causes and factors of hair loss in teens

Some of the causes of hair loss in teens are mentioned as under;


Hair loss in teens can have various causes, and genetics is one of them. While it’s normal to shed around 50 to 100 hairs daily, excessive hair loss can indicate an underlying condition or genetic predisposition. Androgenetic alopecia, a condition that affects both men and women, is the most common type of hair loss caused by genetics.

It’s caused by genetic and hormonal factors, leading to hair follicles shrinking over time and producing finer, shorter hairs. Other factors contributing to hair loss in teens include poor nutrition, stress, hormonal changes, and certain medications.

If you’re experiencing hair loss in your teens, it’s essential to consult with a medical provider at BeautyBorn MedSpa to determine the underlying cause and find the right treatment.

Hormonal changes

During adolescence, hormonal changes are common and can affect a teenager’s health. One area that can be affected is their hair. Androgen, a male hormone that both males and females produce, can be linked to hair loss in teens. When there is an increase in androgen, it can shrink hair follicles, leading to hair thinning or hair loss. Hormonal imbalances play a vital role in hair loss.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders can cause hormonal imbalances that result in hair loss. While hair loss can be distressing for teenagers, remember that it is often temporary and can be treated with the right solution. Seeking medical advice from a healthcare professional can provide helpful information and treatment options.

Nutritional deficiency

Nutrition plays a role in maintaining healthy hair, and a balanced diet is essential to prevent hair fall, especially among teenagers. Nutritional deficiencies, such as low levels of vitamins and minerals, can lead to hair loss, thinning, and even breakage.

Vitamin B12, iron, and zinc are some of the key nutrients required for healthy hair growth, and their absence can trigger hair loss. Adolescents may be more susceptible to these deficiencies due to their restricted diets and unhealthy eating habits.

While hair fall can be distressing, it can also serve as a wake-up call to focus on a nutritious diet that provides all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair growth.

Medical conditions

Hair fall in teens is common, and various medical conditions can cause it. Hormonal fluctuations are one of teenagers’ most common indicators of hair loss. Hormones play a key role in hair growth; an imbalance can lead to hair fall. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome and thyroid disorders can cause hormonal imbalances, leading to hair loss.

Medical conditions like alopecia areata, scalp infections, and nutritional deficiencies can cause hair fall. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet is essential to prevent hair fall. Adequate nutrition, including vitamins and minerals like biotin, vitamin D, and iron, can promote healthy hair growth. Additionally, certain hair care practices like gentle shampoos and avoiding heat styling tools can help prevent hair fall and can promote hair growth.


One another factor that may contribute to hair loss is medication. Certain medications, such as those used to treat acne or mental health conditions and chemotherapy medication, can interfere with normal hair growth and lead to thinning or shedding.

Some teens may also be prescribed supplements or vitamins that can impact hair health. If you’re experiencing unwanted hair loss, talking to a medical professional about potential causes and treatments is important.

Hair styling practices

Certain hairstyles, such as tight braids or ponytails, can stress the hair follicles and contribute to hair loss.


One of the most significant contributors to hair fall in teens is stress. When stress levels increase in the body, it triggers a response that can cause hair to fall out. This is because stress hormones can disrupt the natural hair growth cycle and cause hair follicles to enter a resting phase. Over time, this can lead to hair thinning or patchy hair loss. While stress is a part of life, it is important to manage it healthily to prevent negative impacts on both physical and mental health.

Practicing relaxation techniques, getting enough sleep, and talking to a trusted adult can help reduce stress levels and minimize hair loss.

Scalp infection

Scalp infection is a common problem among teens that can lead to hair fall. Bacterial or fungal infections can cause scalp inflammation, leading to hair follicle damage and hair fall in teens. In addition, excessive scratching of the infected scalp can cause physical damage to the hair shaft, making it weak and prone to breakage.

Maintaining good scalp hygiene by regularly washing the hair with a mild shampoo and avoiding harsh chemicals, such as hair dyes, can help prevent scalp infections. Consulting a dermatologist by searching for hair restoration near me can help alleviate the infection and hair loss in teens.

In conclusion, hair loss in teens is becoming a more common issue, and unfortunately, the causes do not appear limited to any single demographic. From environmental factors to illness and genetics, hair loss can have multiple reasons and affect your teenage years mentally and physically.

Young adults need to understand the basics of good hair health and take note if any unusual events begin to occur with their hair. Seeking medical advice and speaking with experts on the matter can also be beneficial for helping to identify potential sources of hair loss and help determine what steps should be taken.

Lastly, if seeking treatment or support from experts, consider searching for “hair restoration near me” or “hair growth” clinics/centers to find professionals specializing in these topics. All in all, teens must understand their issues to protect their mental and physical well-being better.

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