
Hair Loss and Stress – Are They Related? | Beautyborn Medspa

Hair Loss and Stress – Are They Related? | Beautyborn Medspa

Learn how stress can impact hair loss and explore your options for hair restoration treatment with BeautyBorn MedSpa in your area!

Do you feel like stress is taking a toll on your body in ways beyond just feeling exhausted or overwhelmed? You may have noticed that your hair is thinning at an alarming rate, which could signify too much stress. Unfortunately, hair loss due to excessive stress can occur in both men and women.

Don’t worry — there are ways you can do to get help to mitigate the issue and even possibly reverse it! Let’s discuss to identify if your hair loss is related to stress, as well as what treatments might help control it. Ready for more insight on how best to deal with your possible “stress-shedding“? Keep reading!

What is hair loss caused by stress?

Hair lose associated with stress, also known as telogen effluvium, is a condition in which a significant amount of hair prematurely enters the resting phase of the hair growth cycle and subsequently falls out. While the exact mechanisms behind stress-induced hair loss are not fully understood, researchers believe it is due to hormonal changes, inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies.


Stress induces hair lose, which is an unwelcome side effect. While it’s natural for everyone to experience some stress regularly, it’s important to remember that too much stress can lead to various health problems, including hair loss. When under stress, our body produces cortisol, which can cause hair follicles to move into a resting phase, leading to hair loss. Additionally, stress can reduce the blood flow to the scalp, which deprives the hair of essential nutrients, making it more prone to breakage and shedding.

In addition to hormonal changes, stress can lead to inflammation, damaging hair follicles and disrupting the growth cycle. Chronic inflammation can impair the blood flow to the scalp, depriving hair follicles of the nutrients they need to produce healthy hair. This can lead to hair thinning and, ultimately, hair loss.

Moreover, stress can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can impact hair health. Stress can lead to detrimental eating habits, such as skipping meals or eating more junk food, leading to vitamin deficiencies that impede hair development. For example, Hair loss can result from iron, vitamin D, and B deficiency.

Although it can be distressing to experience hair loss, it’s important to try and manage stress levels through relaxation techniques, exercise, and other stress-reducing activities. By doing so, you will be taking care of your mental health and improving the health of your precious locks!

How to manage stress to prevent hair loss?

It is important to manage your stress levels to prevent this common issue. One way to manage stress is through regular exercise. Exercise can relieve tension and help you clear your mind. Additionally, eating a well-balanced diet is also essential for managing stress. Incorporating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is great for managing stress while providing the necessary nutrients for hair health.

In addition, practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can have a calming effect on both your body and mind. You can help prevent hair loss and promote overall health and well-being by managing your stress levels.


While there is no definitive clue as to whether stress and hair loss are related, it is clear that they do have a complex relationship. People may sometimes experience generalized thinning due to chronic stress and anxiety. In other cases, acute but more intense bouts, known as telogen effluvium, can trigger patchy hair loss. 

Additionally, psychological and emotional distress can be linked to other forms of hair loss, such as alopecia areata and involutional alopecia. Although stress-related hair loss can be a source of worry, these issues are often temporary and treatable with lifestyle changes or medications from your doctor. For those experiencing more severe forms or wanting to restore lost hair, many reliable solutions exist — including searching hair restoration near me — which can help bring back valued confidence to your life.

Stress is only one of many factors that should be considered when seeking the cause behind their condition. Ultimately, anyone concerned about their circumstances must speak with an experienced health professional at BeautyBorn MedSpa for the exact diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

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